Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dericious Burgers.

When I first came across these burger cupcakes last summer, I immediately thought of D&D, two of my loveliest friends, who are known for their insatiable appetites. (Where it all goes? Nobody knows.) I've been saving these cupcake designs for their big day, but unfortunately I was in Ottawa and missed the festivities. Now that I'm back, the burgers are coming fresh out of the oven.
Buns were made with french vanilla, white chocolate chip cupcakes and sandwich a double chocolate chip cupcake. Dericious burgers are dressed with cream cheese frosting tomatoes and lettuce, and a slice of fondant cheese. Bon appetit!


  1. oh my God, I'm salivating. You're so talented, Saaawaaahhh :)

  2. they look so delicious!!!
    :p are you boooked for may yet.. haha i might want you to make some for carrie and richard's birthday!!!! mmyums!
    and i need to see you... SOON!
