Sunday, September 12, 2010

C is for cookie.

Birthday cupcake for Cuqui. Her name is pronounce "cookie"... get it? :)

Duck and Chick.

Birthday cupcake order. The request was for a duck and a chick (nicknames between the gifter and the birthday girl) and the rest was pretty much up to me. Lemon cupcakes with lemon cream cheese frosting that I decorated with balloons, a present, and gift bag. Click any of the photo to enlarge.

Birthday treats.

So many birthdays equals so many cupcakes. Unfortunately, I was away for a good part of the summer so I missed out on a bunch of birthdays, but I was here for August which is a month full of some of my favourite peoples celebratory days.

First up, Mister Dirty Dale. Best hug-giver in the world. Lemon cupcakes with lemon cream cheese frosting decorated with his name and DJ logo.

Next, roomie and one of my best.. Roots! This was a collaborative effort with Melly Mel. Same lemon cupcakes with a summer theme.

Last, but not least, Melly Mel's domo and ice cream cone cupcakes.
"Meet me at the ice cream truck. I'll buy you some ice cream..."

Cupcakes for your heart.

An order of cupcakes I baked for the launch of a new pacemaker model.
Have a cupcake.. it's good for the heart ♥

Hi, it's been awhile...

Sorry for being so MIA the last 6 months! Life has been a little hectic with moving, exams, graduating, vacationing... but don't fret, I am still in business and pushing out dericious orders when life permits (just haven't had time to post them) :) So enjoy the spamming of random cupcakes I've made since my last update...